Second day of EMUCC 2022 got under the skin of the players. Surprisingly sunny weather (did we mention lots of sunscreen?), slow wind and warm air made it a hard day. Many teams faced challenges such as losing team mates due to injuries with RJP setting a record of 4 injured players in just the second day. Insane! I mean – intense!
Open Master summary
The opening games of the second day had 6 Open Masters category teams face off on the three fields in a race for the podium. Silence v3.3, Hardfisch and Goldfinger dominated the games.
The second round of the games at 13:10 had Wolpertinger play against Wizards Grand Cru. A two point difference was quickly thawing to point for point. Sneaky changes of disc possesion were followed by a calm situation overview and hucks which ended in scored points.
Silence v.3.3’s game with Goldfingers Ultimate Club was another match, which had team on their toes. There were many point for point and defence situations, but there were also small unforced mistakes. The game switched between high intensity with spectacular hucks to slower, calm approach when it was required.

If you’re looking for a highlight game in the Open category, you should make sure to re-watch Uprising and Hardfisch on The game was fast paced, physical game, which left no room for mistakes. There was plenty of hucks and defence that was turned into points in a split second. The game finished at 15:13 with a spectacular full field huck that left Uprising in no position to win.
The finals will see Silence v3.3 and Hardfisch in a game for the gold!
Mixed Masters summary
Mixed Masters started off their games comfortably with the sun coming out at 11:20. The sun screen turned out to be an essential part yet again! The games had all the answers about which teams were just one step closer to the quarterfinals. No pressure, right? 🙂 The morning games were in favour of RJP, Quatro and PUC. Sugar Mix and Thundering had a fierce, but long game, which ended with a score 15:12.

RJP and Heidees played such an intense and close game, that it deserves to be called the match of the day. The game was loud and tough. The game was mostly in favour of Heidees, but RJP were constantly keeping them on their toes. There was a lot of focus and each move had to be calculated. Each loss was a painful one. Every throw, every defence mattered. Even though the game was highly competitive, the teams had good team spirits. However, the end was heated. RJP chased the score and made it to the universe point with good defence decisions and strong offence play. In the end, Heidees won with a fast offence play.
Reading Ultimate and Quattro Dumpiaggi had a point for point face off. However, strong offence, wise defence play and a truly mixed approach earned Reading a win. Quattro Dumpiaggi suffered a loss of experienced players right before the tournament. They’ve manged to improve their game with a good and patient handling. They were very happy to play the quarterfinals.
Reading went on to the semi-finals to face off BEEFIRE.
Open Grand Masters summary
Grand Masters category had a chill start of the day with the games starting at 11:20 am. Prague-based team again dominated the category. Only Berliners from DJ Dahlem gave them a rough time at the beginning of the game. After 4:6 score, Silence v4.0 levelled up their man defence, earning a win. It’s worth mentioning that some teams missed their players and guess what – one of them was denied boarding the plane because of an expired passport!

Check out the top photos of EMUCC 2022 Day 2!
EMUCC 2022 Questions for the Players:
Q: What are your expectations from the EMUCC 2022?
We are here to train for the Worlds, to be good in Spirit and have fun! Nice weather, good food and nice level of pain.
Benoit (AUC)
We want to win, so we’re very competitive. We aim for no injuries and good spirit.
Player #31 (Silence v3.3)
It’s a great honor for us to be here. We’re very happy about getting to Top 8 and hope to get to 1-4 with our well known zone defence.
Pestka (RJP)
EMUCC 2022 Fame in the Frame – Day 2

Life Hack for the Players
The Grand Master category will see Silence v4.0 vs Zimmer – 10:30 am
Don’t miss the Open Masters Final with Silence v3.3 and Hardfisch at 12:30 pm.
The Mixed Masters category will see a move up in Finals as one of the team needs to get to their flight earlier. We’ll see PUC and BEEFire fight for the Masters Mixed Champion title. Tune in at 14:15 pm.
Make sure to follow Ultizone till the end of the weekend for one more article. You can look back at the Welcome and Day 1 articles from the previous days. Also don’t miss any stories from EUF, Duch Gry, and Introverted Ultimate. See you at the fields and don’t hesitate to say hi! 😉