Z pasji do ultimate frisbee!

"When a ball dreams, it dreams it's a frisbee" - Stancil Johnson

EYUC 2019 (Day 2) – A colorful run for the title

EYUC 2019 (Day 2) – A colorful run for the title

After yesterday’s ceremony, we’re officially in the middle of the tournament madness! All four divisions at EYUC 2019 were doing their best on Pola Marsowe in Wrocław. Even though it’s a high-level tournament, the players maintain a cheerful atmosphere. If you’re one of those who decided to come and cheer for the youths, you can’t miss that.

During the day there were many engaging games taking place. Just by the look at these young players, you can assume that the future of Ultimate is looking bright. Today we’ve decided to take a closer look at four teams. Check out what we’ve learned!

That’s why stretching is very important in ultimate| Photo: Nadja Kappel

U17 men’s

Czech vs Poland

In the opening game Poland vs Czech U20, the Polish came out victorious. However, you can always count on your fellow national teams for a little payback. That’s exactly what happened in the game between Czech and Poland U17!

We’ve asked Frantisek Holub, Czech trainer, about the game.

It’s our first game with this team. 2 years ago when we started training we didn’t have EYUC. It’s our first real game. We’re actually really happy to win it. We didn’t know what to expect from the polish team and we didn’t know what to expect from our team. We’re happy that they played well. We’re looking forward to our next games.

?Check out whole mini interviews series on our Instagram!

The pull | photo: Klara Lipertova

Israel vs Belgium

You must have noticed those bright blue-haired boys bravely fighting for every disc. We’ve asked the team about this new trend. It turns out that ever since 2011, the junior teams dye their hair blue (as seen in the cover photo). By now they’re certainly pro in that department with some tips and tricks up their sleeves. How about their game?

Israel is very familiar with playing small ball. Their disc decisions are confident and the passes lightning fast. For the past eight years, their junior teams were gaining a lot of strength and experience. However, today’s match against Belgium proved to be a bit troublesome. The team made a lot of mistakes, which helped the Belgians gain a 5 point advantage. Belgium came out victorious! Keep an eye on them as they might prove to put on quite a show.

Belgium with two wins is on top of their pool after Sunday games. In other pools, France, Austria and Italy also remain undefeated.

Play with grace! | photo: Klara Lipertova

U20 women’s

Czech Republic vs Slovenia

The Olympic Stadium hosted today Czech vs Slovenia U20 Women’s.
The match proved to be spectacular with a universe point by the end of the game. The live broadcast of the game is available at Fanseat. Before the game, we’ve talked with Czech trainer Rachel Tosnerova.

It’s our 1st game. I hope it’s not going to be our best game, but one of all our best games that we are going to play this week. I have a very good knowledge of our opponents. They are the Slovenian U20 with the stars players from our friends from Slovenian Cosmo, but that will not stop us from giving the best match up.

?Check out how Slovenian coach Luka replied during the lunch in mini interviews series on our Instagram!

All the teams in women’s U20 division played only one game today. Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic remain undefeated in pool A. Italy, France and Sweden won their Sunday games in pool B.

Sky high! | photo: Klara Lipertova

U20 men’s

Belgium vs Slovenia

Belgian teams are on fire at EYUC 2019. During the game where Belgium U20 went up against Slovenia, our photographer Klara Lipertova snapped a kickass photo. Sofiene Bontemps went for a spectacular layout D and snatched the disc surprising the Slovenians. He’s a very promising and dedicated player. It’s better to keep an eye on his ultimate career in the future. Belgians won the match with a 7 point advantage.

Just as their younger compatriots, Belgians won all their games today and they lead in their pool. Other undefeated teams in U20 division are France, Italy and Germany. We are more than excited to see those forces collide on the field soon.

? Games to watch on Monday

If you can’t be in Wrocław and watch EYUC 2019, it’s ok. Fanseat crew is here to bring you high-quality live streams from all the games in Olympic Stadium.

9.10 am – Germany vs Austria | U20 Women’s
11.10 am – Switzerland vs Great Britain | U20 Men’s
1.10 pm – Nederlands vs Turkey | U20 Mixed
3.10 pm – Italy vs Israel | U20 Women’s
5.10 – Czech Republic vs France | U17 Women’s

See you tomorrow, it’s gonna be the best Monday ever!

Cya! | photo: Nadja Kappel

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@2024 Ł.Dobranowski UltiZone.pl / Since 2017 / Z pasji do ultimate frisbee!